Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Connections Event?

Connections Events are high-impact hiring events IEC-BC routinely holds with employer partners.

Each event is customized to the employers’ needs. This includes the format of the event (e.g., in-person or virtual), the length and type of interviews, the follow-up mechanisms, and more.

Connections Events have been very successful: in the last fiscal year, 38% of event attendees were invited for further interviews by the employer.

How are Connections Events different from job fairs?

Job fairs usually include a number of employers with newcomers moving from table to table dropping off resumes. While this can be a beneficial model, IEC-BC does not view these as especially impactful for employers or newcomers.

Connections Events typically involve only one employer, pre-event resume-based screening, and a focus on interviews rather than networking.

This focus has helped us increase the productivity of the events and resulted in high levels of satisfaction from both employers and newcomer participants.

What is a workplace readiness program?

Numerous organizations across Canada provide programs to help immigrants to Canada become job ready. Workplace or job readiness programs focus on areas like resume building, interview skills, networking, and soft skills.

As part of the project, participants in Tech Connect Plus will be invited to attend a workplace readiness program prior to attending a Connections Event with you.

What are some of the workplace readiness programs newcomers will attend?

IEC-BC provides services such as ASCEND, FAST, MentorConnect, and the Tech Bootcamps. These programs are considered workplace readiness services.

Further, external programs run by settlement agencies such as ISSofBC, SUCCESS, Mosaic, and so on.

Latest Updates

Tech Connect Plus Timeline

Step 1: Research & Baseline

March – April 2023

Step 2: Recruit Participants

March – May 2023

  • Connect with settlement partners
  • Recruit Employer Participants
  • Recruit Newcomer Participants

Step 3: Newcomer Learning & Connections Events

April – June 2023

  • Newcomer employability training
  • Connections Events #1 to #3

Step 4: Employer Learning

June – September 2023

  • Issue identification and exploration
  • Employer learning delivery
  • Newcomer knowledge sharing sessions

Step 5: Knowledge Mobilization & Evaluation

August – September 2023

  • Knowledge mobilization plan development
  • IECC Knowledge Mobilization
  • Final Report

For Newcomers

Register for Tech Connect Plus

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

For Employers